Hair fall means thinning or falling of hair from the head, which is a very common problem. Every second person is struggling with this problem. Many people’s hair falls so much before they have to get a hair transplant. When hair fall starts increasing little by little, then it leads to baldness. Normally 50 to 100 hair falls almost every day, if more hair falls than this then it is a matter of baldness.
Causes of Hair Fall
Often the reasons for hair fall are similar in all persons such as unbalanced diet plan, wrong lifestyle, hereditary, side effects of medicines, etc. Let us know about such other reasons:
- Hair loss is a normal process after two or three months of prolonged illness or any major surgery, serious infection, or physical stress
- It can also happen after sudden changes in hormone levels, especially in women after giving birth to a child
- Due to the side effects of medicines
- Hair loss can also occur as a symptom of any disease such as thyroid, imbalance in sex hormones
- Serious nutritional problems, especially lack of protein, zinc, biotin
- Fungal infection in the scalp, which causes hair loss
- Hair loss also occurs due to hereditary reasons
Measures to Prevent Hair Loss
It is important to adopt proper care and lifestyle to keep hair strong and healthy. The measures given below can help reduce hair loss.
1. Healthy diet:
- Take a healthy diet so that your hair can be prevented from falling. The first step in hair fall treatment is to avoid junk food and consume fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, sprouted grains, dry fruits, and seasonal fruits.
2. Lifestyle changes:
- Lifestyle changes have a huge impact on the growth of our hair. Getting enough sleep, avoiding unnecessary physical labor, eating on time, and staying away from stressful situations improves the health of our body as well as our hair.
3. Hair care:
- Use fewer shampoos with chemical products
- Dry and comb hair gently
4. Medications:
- Take hair loss medications as advised by a doctor
- Medications may be effective in some cases of hereditary baldness
- A balanced diet and stress-free lifestyle can help prevent hair loss, even during pregnancy or menopause
- Always consult a doctor for hair problems
Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Hair Fall
1. Change your diet: It is very important to have a healthy and balanced diet to reduce hair loss. Increase your protein intake and exercise regularly to improve your hair health
2. Quit smoking: Smoking not only causes hair loss but also harms your overall health. The most effective way to avoid further health problems would be to quit smoking completely.
3. Cover your hair when you step out of the house: The sun’s UV rays can also damage your hair. Protein is essential for hair growth. Using a hat to avoid the sun can prove to be helpful for your hair.
4. Reduce stress: Stress is considered to be one of the major causes of many health problems, including hair loss. Stress can induce hair loss and prevent hair from entering a new growth cycle.
5. Avoid styling tools: Excessive use of styling tools has a serious and harmful effect on hair follicles. Excessive use of hair styling tools like blow-dryers and straightening irons can easily damage the hair and also weaken the roots. Avoid using these tools and let the hair remain in its natural way.
Home Remedies for Hair Fall
There are many ways to prevent hair fall which you can do using things available at home:
1. Onion juice: Massage your head with garlic juice, onion juice, or ginger juice. Do this process before sleeping and wash your hair thoroughly in the morning. Onion juice contains sulfur, which promotes the production of collagen in the tissue.
2. Oil massage: Any natural oil like olive oil, coconut oil or canola oil should be used to massage the head for a few minutes every day, this helps in increasing blood flow in the head as well as keeps the hair follicles active.
3. Fenugreek powder: Make a paste by mixing henna and fenugreek powder. Apply this paste to the hair and after drying for some time, wash the hair with plain water. Its regular use reduces hair fall.
4. Green tea: Green tea can be used as a hair loss remedy. Mix green tea in a cup of water, apply it on your head, and leave it for about an hour. Green tea contains antioxidants that help prevent hair loss.
5. Salt and black pepper: You can use salt and black pepper as a remedy for hair loss. Mixing 1 teaspoon each of ground salt and black pepper with five teaspoons of coconut oil and applying it on the bald area will bring hair back.
6. Pomegranate leaves: Pomegranate juice and pomegranate leaves can prevent hair loss. Pomegranate leaf juice and pomegranate oil are very useful in hair loss.
7. Neem and Berry leaves juice: Boil neem and berry leaves in water. Let this water cool down and wash your hair with it and later use neem oil, this stops hair fall. This is a better remedy to prevent hair fall.
8. Lemon and coconut oil: Lemon and coconut are the remedies for hair fall. If the hair is falling or breaking, mix coconut oil twice in lemon juice and massage the hair with the tips of the fingers slowly, this will stop hair fall.
9. Harsingar seeds: Harsingar seeds are one of the home remedies to stop hair fall. Grind the harbinger seeds and prepare a paste, apply it on the head regularly, this is a beneficial remedy for hair fall and baldness.
10. Parwal: People also use parwal as a medicine for hair fall. To stop hair fall, grind bitter gourd leaves, extract juice, and apply it on the head. Do this for 2-3 months and hair fall will gradually stop.
When should you go to the doctor?
Hair fall is a common disease but when its symptoms become complicated and 50 to 100 hairs start falling, then it is a serious condition. In such a situation, do not use any medicine for hair loss or any remedy for hair loss on your own. Consult a doctor. Hair fall can be stopped by taking the right treatment at the right time.
Some hair loss every day is not a matter of concern, but it is important to understand hair fall and find a timely solution. Consult a hair specialist, adopt a healthy hair care routine, and make changes in your lifestyle.